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Carmen Rubio: Tough, Tested, & Ready to Lead

Like you’ve heard Carmen say time and again, you can tell what you’ll get out of an elected leader by what they’ve done already. And Carmen Rubio has delivered incredible results in just one term of office. No other candidate running for Mayor has a record that comes even close to the positive change she has accomplished for Portlanders - in office and during her time as an executive of a large community-focused organization.

That’s why you can trust that Carmen will build on her impressive record as Mayor. Below are the immediate efforts she will launch once elected. She will get all of this work off the ground, while she resets the relationships the city has with other jurisdictions, like the State of Oregon, Metro Council and Multnomah County. Her goal will be to set shared expectations, including her responsibility as Mayor and the needed accountability with the public. Portland’s challenges require every level of government to lean in and problem solve - and Carmen is the only candidate with the demonstrated record to do this successfully.

On Improving Community and Public Safety:
1.) Design and implement a citywide community policing and 21st Century Policing models for the police bureau, analysis of the effectiveness of graffiti, retail theft and street racing enforcement, and exploration of reestablishing a police precinct in North Portland.

On Increasing Housing Production:
2.) Immediate implementation of a 90-day permit approval process for new, multi-family affordable and middle income housing and appointing a workgroup to identify the next source of funding for affordable housing.

On Reducing Homelessness:
3.) Expansion of current and new temporary alternative shelter sites with services with Good Neighbor Agreements, and ensuring there are more outreach workers, especially in Old Town.

On Bringing Back Portland’s Downtown:
4.) Build upon the current efforts to support downtown recovery. From urgent public safety actions to event activation, lease incentives for business retention and housing policy reforms, Carmen’s been deeply involved in efforts to recover and reimagine our downtown. Those efforts need to continue and be nimble and responsive as various needs arise, including having the city’s new Office of Small Business, which was created by Carmen, look for new ways we can support our small businesses that make up more than 60% of our businesses.

On Investing in the Green Economy and Jobs:
5.) Recommit the city to protecting, restoring and increasing access to the Willamette River, complete work to establish a Clean Industry HUB in Portland that will foster circular economic practices and carbon reduction in the industrial sector and make sure that the Portland Clean Energy Fund delivers on the $30 million in green workforce development investments.