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Carmen Rubio Announces Campaign for Portland Mayor

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Contact: Carmen for Portland Campaign
[email protected]

In a time of transition, Rubio brings a record of building consensus and achieving results

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 (PORTLAND, ORE.) – Commissioner Carmen Rubio today announced her candidacy to be Portland’s next mayor. Her decision follows months of thoughtful conversations about what this city and community members need from their next mayor.

“I made my decision with the full recognition of where we are as a city. And we need a mayor who will take responsibility for the way forward. One with a track record of building bridges, focusing our city’s energy into a force for change, and getting results,” Carmen said. “Portlanders deserve a mayor who will take us into our future without drama – just hard, collaborative work, especially on community safety, homelessness and housing. That’s how I’ve led as a Commissioner, and how I will do so as Portland’s next mayor. This is our opportunity to do so much more.”

Portland is experiencing unprecedented community safety challenges and humanitarian and climate emergencies. It’s also a time of transition as the city’s form of government will change come 2025. This critical time in Portland’s history requires a mayor who can work diligently, cooperatively, and pragmatically with demonstrated success.

“I know that Portland’s best days are still ahead – that solutions are within reach. When government, nonprofits, businesses, and individual Portlanders work together, we can do amazing things for our amazing city,” Carmen said. “And building a vibrant, thriving, and economically healthy Portland must include all of our neighborhoods and communities aligned and moving forward in the same direction."

Because of the leadership she has demonstrated over the last three years, Carmen has already earned early endorsements from current and former elected officials, including:

former Mayor Tom Potter - former City Commissioner Mike Lindberg
Metro Councilors Juan Carlos Gonzalez and Duncan Hwang
State Senators Michael Dembrow and Kayse Jama
State Representatives Rob Nosse and Andrea Valderrama
former State Representative Ben Cannon
former PPS School Board Member Martin Gonzalez

In addition, she’s also earned the support from community members, representing various private and public sector entities:

Dwight Adkins, Javier Alomia, Oscar Arana Ochoa, Byron Beck, Jerry Brown, Miriam Calderon, John Cardenas, Gale Castillo, Andrew Colas, Tracy Curtis, Pete Denman, Elisa Dozono
Karla Elias, Miguel Elias, Ernesto Fonseca, Jeana Frazzini, Harry Goldstein, Randy Gragg
Marta Guembes, Karin Hansen, Phillip Hillaire, Mark Holloway, Don Krahmer, Antonio Lara Victoria Lara, Dani Ledezma, Jason Lim, Reyna Lopez, Paul Lumley, Jose Gonzalez
Danel Malan, Juan Martinez, Angel Medina, Marcus Mundy, Eddie Passadore, Lolenzo Poe
Shelli Romero, Maria Rubio, Lina Garcia Seabold, Peter Shanky, Bob Speltz, Bob Stoll
Lisa Watson, Homer Williams, Robin Wisner, Jeana Woolley, Winta Yohannes, Beckie Lee

COMMISSIONER RUBIO: Brief Summary of Accomplishments

Since 2021, Commissioner Rubio has served on the Portland City Council. For the first two years, she oversaw the City’s planning and climate work, parks and recreation, and arts and culture work. For the past year, she has continued to lead the City’s planning and climate work, and assumed leadership for the City’s work to expand housing and revitalize the economy.

Below are a summary of her accomplishments in these areas:

Bold action to address our housing and homeless crises

Historic investments to address the climate crisis

Innovative initiatives for economic development

Protection for our parks

Leadership for arts and culture

A formal kick-off event will follow on Thursday, February 1. Details will be announced soon.